Hello Again! Spotlight on our Cheesemonger


I am back.

It’s been awhile since I have written about cheeses and other foods that bring me a little happiness or that’s new and interesting. This time of year, for me is to look and see what coming in and what I enjoyed the past year and looking forward to the new fresh local cheeses coming in from our friends @Caromont and Twenty Paces and any new locals that I can find.

The cheeses I enjoyed in 2019 was Foxglove from Tulip Tree, Rocket Robiola from Boxxcarr, Alp Blossom and Ubriaco Rose and getting reacquainted with some old friends like Wagon Wheel from Cowgirl Creamery, Bay blue from Point Reyes and the old stand by Fourme d’ambert.

The winter months are great for Long aged cheeses that have been ripening in the cellars for 6 months or longer. We are patiently waiting for the release of the Mountaineer from Meadow Creek and Hardware from Twenty Paces. I like to pair the cheese with pickled vegetables and olives and my favorite condiment right now is NDJUA, it’s a spicy prosciutto spread its great with cheeses or an addition to pasta dishes or broths for a little more depth to your dishes. Or shave it on a salad of mixed greens shaved radishes & grapefruit with a light vinaigrette.

I am looking forward to sharing my take on cheeses, produce and other food stuffs with you.

So, my question is for the new year is, do you like cheese? If so,which ones?

Peace, love and fromage, 

Follow me on Instagram: cavaliercheeseamy


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