Spotlight on BBQ Exchange


We caught up with Jaclyn Grieger from BBQ Exchange to learn about how they have handled their business during COVID-19. During this time of business reinvention, it’s great to hear a success story!  

One of the key steps was keeping the restaurant open, BBQ Exchange is uniquely situated to  transition easily to takeout food.  They trimmed down the menu to execute their process better, and kept their loyal fans fed and happy.  Staying open or closing has been a daunting decision for most restaurant owners.  

Supply chain issues have also been an ongoing problem, but seem to be leveling out. Meat shortages in the early days of the shutdown have been ironed out. Because butchers were unable to process the products, becoming resourceful became a necessity. Autumn Olive Farms has continued to be a strong resource and partner to BBQ Exchange, and helped keep them stocked during the shortage period.   

BBQ Exchange implemented safety protocols, putting their employees and guests first.They continue to book outdoor catering events, but most are postponed until 2021. With Albemarle County going back to tighter restrictions, this may have an impact on their business in the future.  

Overall, BBQ Exchange continues to have steady business, and are grateful for every order! For online ordering, catering and store hours, see their website. You can order Autumn Olive Farms pork directly from Cavalier Produce!


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