Grace’s Good Food Box

As 2020 comes to an end, I look back and think about all the emotions that we have felt as a society: shock, anger, frustration, and fear. Despite the challenges, we have all had to find happiness and contentment in the little things in life. 

Fortunately, our daughter, Grace, has always been incredibly gifted in this way. She has always found joy and wonder in the simple, everyday things that most of us tend to ignore – the rainbow dancing on the floor, the perfect smooth edge of a copper penny, laying with her dogs, watching the airplanes fly overhead, and the warmth of the sun shining through the window. She reminds us every day to pay attention to these little things and to take nothing for granted. Nothing.

In addition to being the name of our daughter, grace is also defined by the Oxford Dictionary as “courteous goodwill, an attractively polite manner of behaving, and a short prayer of thanks said before or after a meal”. At Cavalier Produce, we are thankfully in a position to not only share our daughter Grace’s perspective on the world, but to also share a little grace with those around us – to show love and kindness as well as provide good healthy food for those in need. Grace is certainly something we could all use right now.

With that in mind, we are proud to present Grace’s Good Food Box Program. Cavalier Produce is partnering with the following charities to provide fresh, healthy food boxes to those in need:  

  • Loaves and Fishes

  • PB&J Fund

  • Louisa County Resource Council

  • Blue Ridge Area Food Bank – Lynchburg Area Branch

Each box has a variety of fresh fruits, vegetables, and assorted grocery items to help families make their holiday or everyday meals. We deliver these boxes at cost, providing much needed variety, freshness, and nutrition for local families.

Individuals can support these boxes through our online ordering portal on our website at Cavalier Produce.  Select the code for the charitable group you would like to support and your tax-free donation goes directly towards the cost of the boxes for that organization. Grace’s Good Food Boxes are also available for purchase and pickup at our warehouse for friends, family, and neighbors in your community.  Corporate and business sponsorships are also available.  Please visit our website for more details.


This season, more than ever,

Give grace, goodwill, thanks, and the gift of healthy, fresh food 

From the Cavalier Produce family to your family, thank you for your continued support of our donation program, and happy holidays!  Denise and Steve Yetzer


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